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land developers:
We all agree that there's a need to help our cities thrive by creating new homes and infrastructure, but we can also recognise the opportunity to do better in nurturing the city to grow in a sustainable way.
By partnering with AllotMe, you can host a variety of temporary growing spaces on a site whilst it lies vacant. We can also help to add community value to future developments with integrated allotment planning that better serves the local council's desire to mitigate social and environmental impact.
What we can do with a piece of land in between developments...
Once a plot of land has been purchased , a design has to be put in place, and a team assembled to construct something. Understandably, this can take a long time. With AllotMe, however, that land can be put to good 'meanwhile' use that will benefit the local community and produce a positive energy output for the environment.
Reframe the impact of your development
There are multiple options for any given site. AllotMe can set up both temporary and permanent systems for growing food in any urban environment. From builders' bags to raised planting beds, there are plenty of options to provide outdoor amenity space that actively gives back to the local community.
Complete project support from setup to management
Once a solution has been decided upon for your site, AllotMe makes use of its automated digital app to give local residents the chance to get involved. With online booking, we help to make sure everyone in the community has easy access to their own guerrilla allotment patch. This can also be used to orchestrate new residents' engagement with integrated allotments for future developments.
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