Jan 3, 20234 min

What to consider when starting your first vegetable plot

Starting a vegetable garden can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, providing you with fresh, nutritious produce and a sense of accomplishment. However, if you've never gardened before, it can also be intimidating. There are a few factors to consider and it's important to have a plan in place before you start planting.


One of the first things to consider when starting a vegetable garden is the location. Choose a spot that gets plenty of sunlight, as most vegetables need at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. It's also a good idea to choose a location that is easily accessible, as you will be visiting your garden regularly to care for your plants. You'll also want to consider the soil in the area. Is it fertile and well-draining, or will you need to add amendments such as compost or fertiliser to improve the quality?

Soil health

To manage soil health in a vegetable garden, you can test the soil to determine pH and nutrient levels, add organic matter such as compost, use mulch to retain moisture and suppress weeds, practice crop rotation, and avoid over-tilling the soil. These practices will help to improve soil structure and fertility, prevent soil-borne diseases and pests, and ensure that different plants are getting the nutrients they need. For more details, check out our full article on managing your soil health.

Maximise your space

Next, you'll need to decide on the size and layout of your garden. If you are short on space, you can consider creating a container garden or using raised beds. This will allow you to grow a variety of vegetables in a smaller area. If you have more space, you can create a traditional in-ground garden. Consider the amount of sun, shade, and wind your garden receives and plan your layout accordingly. You may also want to think about the types of vegetables you want to grow and how much space each type will need.

Choosing your plants

Once you have chosen a location and prepared the soil, it's time to choose your plants. Consider the climate in your area and choose plants that are well-suited to your region. It's also a good idea to choose a variety of plants to ensure that you have a diverse and nutritious harvest. Don't be afraid to try new things and experiment with different types of vegetables. If you're not sure what to plant, you can consult our full article on the top 10 easiest vegetable crops to get started with. Or have a look at the AllotMe Growing Guides, for a complete selection of tutorials.

Timing it right

In addition to choosing the right plants, it's important to pay attention to the timing of your plantings. Some vegetables, such as tomatoes and peppers, need to be started indoors before the last frost date in your area. Others, like lettuce and peas, can be directly sown in the garden once the soil has warmed up. Be sure to research the specific needs of the plants you want to grow and plan accordingly. The AllotMe growing calendar has a great starting point to help you choose the right time.

Once your plants are in the ground, it's important to care for them properly to ensure that they thrive. This includes watering regularly (but not too much), weeding regularly to remove competition for nutrients and water, and fertilizing as needed. It's also a good idea to mulch around your plants to help retain moisture and suppress weeds.


When it comes to tools, there are a few essential items that you will need to get started. These include:

  • Shovel: A shovel is a versatile tool that can be used for digging, planting, and moving soil.

  • Hoe: A hoe is a useful tool for cultivating soil, removing weeds, and preparing beds for planting.

  • Rake: A rake is essential for preparing the soil and removing debris.

  • Watering can or hose: You will need a way to water your plants, so be sure to invest in a good watering can or hose.

  • Pruning shears: Pruning shears are useful for trimming and shaping plants.

  • Hand trowel: A hand trowel is a small, handheld tool that is great for planting seeds and small plants.

  • Gloves: It's a good idea to invest in a pair of gloves to protect your hands while gardening.

In addition to these basic tools, you may also want to invest in a wheelbarrow or garden cart to help transport tools and materials around your garden.

Protect your crops

Protecting your crops from weather and pests is an important part of successful gardening. Fleeces or cloches are lightweight covers that can be placed over rows of plants to protect them from frost, wind, and insects. They allow sunlight and water to reach the plants, but provide a physical barrier to protect them from pests.

Crop rotation involves growing different types of plants in the same area over a period of time. This helps to prevent soil-borne diseases and pests from building up and ensures that different plants are getting the nutrients they need. Planting a variety of crops can help to reduce the risk of pests and diseases. Pests are often specialized to feed on certain types of plants, so a diverse range of crops can make it more difficult for them to establish themselves in your garden.

Starting a vegetable garden can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but it does require some planning and effort. By considering the location, size and layout, soil, and plants, and investing in the right tools, you can set yourself up for success. With a little patience and hard work, you'll be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor in no time.